
Content creation

2022 has been the year where I branched out into content creation for YouTube. I love to learn new things and this year has been a challenging one for learning new things. 2022 brought on my Trucking Journey which you can follow along with on my YouTube channel with weekly Vlogs!

I would really love your support on my YouTube Channel!

Flight Sim projects

I love playing Flight Sim 2020. I have been customising my sim along with other people’s sims to include the things that are important to them. This has included making custom liveries, airports and lighting. I have added these onto as well as exclusive content for my discord server and Patreon Tiers.

Streaming and tutorials

Streaming has been the place where I started. I started on Facebook originally. Everything in my streaming is home made and I have been fortunate to be able to have the time and understanding to learn new things. I have been offering my knowledge to others so that it may inspire others to make their own items from their streaming.